Listing for full size Printed Plans
Not a KIT or MODEL
Raised Quarterdeck Coasters
It is worth making a large model of this type of steamer
Full size printed plan on a sheet 45” x 36”
Three page article with descripting a few building ideas and photos
Experience scratch builders
Scale 1:48 (1/4” = 1 ft)
Length 42 1/2”
Beam 6 3/8”
Suitable for Radio control
Power Large enough for steam gas or electric
The design of the raised quarterdeck steamer has changed little since the introduction of the design. She has a high forecastle forward, carrying the anchor winch and housing the crew. Next comes the low foredeck with a small hatch. Just forward of amidships is the accommodation for the captain and the officers, with the chart house and the navigating bridge above acting as the 'breakwater' against heavy seas coming aboard. On the raised quarterdeck is the main hatch and the long casing over the boiler and the engine. Here the engineers, fireman and cook are housed. The lifeboats are raised on platforms level with the top of this casing. There may be two or three masts, the fore and main masts being equipped with cargo booms, each with its own winch, capable of working cargo when the ship is in a port without the proper facilities
Thank you for looking Rose