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full size plans vintage 1969 control line stunter "pegasus" higher ratio wing than most stunters
full size plans vintage 1969 control line stunter "pegasus" higher ratio wing than most stunters
full size plans vintage 1969 control line stunter "pegasus" higher ratio wing than most stunters
full size plans vintage 1969 control line stunter "pegasus" higher ratio wing than most stunters
full size plans vintage 1969 control line stunter "pegasus" higher ratio wing than most stunters
full size plans vintage 1969 control line stunter "pegasus" higher ratio wing than most stunters
full size plans vintage 1969 control line stunter "pegasus" higher ratio wing than most stunters
full size plans vintage 1969 control line stunter "pegasus" higher ratio wing than most stunters

Full Size Plans Vintage 1969 Control Line Stunter "Pegasus" higher ratio wing than most stunters

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Full Size Plans


2nd in Senior Stunt: 1969 Nationals.

A high-aspect ration stunt machine ... accent on proportion, trim and airwork.

Full Size Plans on a Sheet 36” x 50”

Four pages of building notes, photos and plans

Control Line Stunter

Wingspan 57”

Engines .40

by Robert Howard

Perhaps you are asking yourself if you will get any practical know ledge about stunt flying from this article. Aside from a discussion of the "Pegasus," I will try to develop a few points which will be beneficial to many beginning stunt fliers as well as some food for thought for fully developed fliers.

Basically, consistent success for me has resulted from, 1) the development of a practical and efficient design, and 2) a few guidelines of common sense which saved me from' countless wasted hours and plenty of heartache. Before the completion of the "Pegasus," I built several aircraft trying different aerodynamic theories. I have encountered nearly every problem, gimmick and pitfall known to stunt firers. Some of these will be discussed as we progress.

The "Pegasus" was built around a set of moments and thrust lines which are widely used. The airplane has a higher ratio wing than most stunters for the following reasons: 1) I wanted more area in order to carry more weight; 2) I wanted a tighter corner; and 3) I wanted to rid myself of what you might call residual lift in the round eights. The last point was more of a problem concerned with the flap area. I had been getting too much lift in the transition between inside and outside rounds which caused a hump right after the transition occurred. Therefore I changed to a 57" wing of 630 sq. in. with 2%" flaps which tapered to " at the tip. With the narrower flaps and higher aspect ratio wing I gained the area I wanted, got a tighter corner


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