This listing is for Full Size Printed Plans
Dornier “LIBELLE”
The professor presents a two-for-one model; a neat little Dornier flying boat that can be built either for rubber or C02' Naturally, both are excellent fliers .
One Full size Printed plan on an 11” x 17” sheet
Four Pages of notes and photos
Peanut Scale
Wingspan 13”
Power Rubber or Co2
In the early Twenties, Dornier designed and built a little three-place flying boat. It had simple lines and looked like an excellent design for a small model. This inspired the two models presented here. It can't be said that these models flew right off the drawing board. They didn't ln fact, both of them had identical terrible problems which took a little test flying to solve. Solving the problems became a challenge, and the challenge was met so successfully that the C02 model has consistently flown for 80 seconds indoors (we flew it in front of Model Builder's illustrious editor and a batch of other witnesses at the last Peanut Proxy Contest). It will do 120 seconds or more every time outdoors in smooth, stable flight. The rubber-powered model has also been adjusted into a stable flier, but its flight time is fairly short because the propeller diameter is somewhat limited.
Thank you for your interest