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full size printed peanut scale plans fletcher fl-23 break the reign of the fike e
full size printed peanut scale plans fletcher fl-23 break the reign of the fike e
full size printed peanut scale plans fletcher fl-23 break the reign of the fike e
full size printed peanut scale plans fletcher fl-23 break the reign of the fike e
full size printed peanut scale plans fletcher fl-23 break the reign of the fike e

Full Size Printed Peanut Scale Plans Fletcher FL-23 break the reign of the Fike E

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This listing is for Full Size Printed Plans

Fletcher FL-23

With its big, low aspect-ratio wing, and30% stab, this could be the model to break the reign of the Fike E. No struts, T-tail, and trike gear add to the features of this interesting ship

One Full size Printed plan on an 11” x 17” sheet

Three Pages of notes and photos

Peanut Scale

Wingspan 13”

Power Rubber


The Fletcher FL-23 was built in 1949 to compete for a contract for a new liaison plane then being sponsored by the U.S. Air Force. In the competitive evaluations, it was in a leading position until the government test pilot, in a violent maneuver, managed to detach the stabilizer from the rest of the aircraft. He then left the aircraft in something of a hurry. Surprisingly, the airplane glided back to the ground in an inverted position and was not seriously damaged! The builders were given sixty days to rebuild the aircraft for further consideration, but were unable to meet the dead line. As a result, the Cessna entry won the contest and became the ubiquitous Bird Dog that we see today.

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