& Building Notes
No materials. Plan only
From 1953
Ultra Hogan
For free flight try Mr. Davis latest .19. or .23 contest design for what’s ahead in competition see his “deep space” painting
Full Size Plans Printed on a 42” x 30” Sheet
Two page of building notes
Wingspan 60”
Engine .19 to .23
By Mr. Davis
The Ultra Hogan represents that capital U of "Up," and also of "Ultimate The Ultra is a 'low drag airplane, this being achieved through the use of low cross section, a clean, functional configuration and a wing airfoil which allows the model to reach a climbing speed that makes these low drag factors payoff. Believe it or not, with all this the Ultra is a very good gliding ship! I think the low drag paid off here too. Keep the weight down to around 22 to 25 ounces. You can do this and still not skimp! Just be very careful in selecting the lightest, strongest wood for its weight. Use especially lightweight wood in the stabilizer. A parachute dethemalizer is recommended with a dependable air timer for release.
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