Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes
No material plans only
Full Size Printed Plan on a SHEET 34” x24”
Seven page article includes Notes & Photos
SCALE 1:96
BEAM 3 3/4”
RADIO CONTROL (No installation shown)
By Vic Smeed
The Model
A hull shape, evolved after extensive tank tests, is not something that is just handed out most shipbuilders produce spoof' lines that give the general appearance without giving away all their costly research. The hull shape for this model has been evolved from the profile and main deck plans (kindly provided by Vickers) plus Vickers artists' impressions and the photograph of a publicity model reproduced here; it may thus be perhaps finer in the forward lower waterlines, or have too much/too little flare or some other slight error of estimation. It should look like the Vedette, however, which is really all that can be expected for a modern ship design, especially one which has not been built.
Construction is, it is hoped, fairly self-evident. Cut and assemble accurately the three 1/4 in planks forming the hull base. When dry the corners can be carved off the inside to reduce the amount of later internal work, then the bulkheads and other frame parts added and the skin completed.
Vickers have made no secret of the fact that the background of the Vedette design is essentially one of simple economics. That should not surprise anybody, but it probably explains why a Vedette hull, with a waterline length of 250 feet and a beam of 32 feet, will be of welded mild steel construction. It will be simpler, cheaper and more robust than is common in warships, and the use of widely available commercial plates and sections will simplify maintenance and repair. General layout is conventional but there is emphasis on functional grouping and good communicatio All operational, working and living spaces will be air conditioned and the ship's habitability generally will be better than current British Ministry of Defence standards.
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