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full size printed plan scale 1:75 anchor handling tug supply ship suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 1:75 anchor handling tug supply ship suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 1:75 anchor handling tug supply ship suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 1:75 anchor handling tug supply ship suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 1:75 anchor handling tug supply ship suitable for radio control

Full Size Printed Plan Scale 1:75 Anchor Handling Tug Supply Ship suitable for Radio Control

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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No material plans only

Seaford Conqueror

Anchor Handling Tug Supply Ship

Full size printed plan on a 36” x 26: Sheet

Three page article with photos few building notes

Not for beginners

Scale 1:75

Length 35"

Beam 7"

Displacement 17lb

Suitable for Radio control

by David Metcalf. 

   The decks could be made from plastic sheet, epoxy glued to wooden deck bearers. The timber clad part of the rear deck could be made fully removable, as could also the whole of the front superstructure, made entirely from flat plastic sheet. Suitable glues would be liquid solvent and 'Super Glue'.

    Do not worry too much about the weight of the model, as the displacement will be around 20lb. Keep construction rigid but not flimsy, or too heavy, and fix a couple of fairly stout beams in the bottom of the hull to take the batteries and ballasting

   The last decade has seen the emergence of two new types of ship, the Stern Trawler and the Oil Rig Support Vessel. I have discussed the Stern Trawler evolution in three previous plans produced for Model Boats (Boston Blenheim, Boston Lincoln and Boston Sea Harrier).

Now on to the Oil Rig Support Vessel, These ships have made an appearance because of the special needs of servicing oil fields in the North Sea. Initially, many of the early rigs were supplied by old trawlers converted to carry stores and mud, or by tugs towing out flat lighters with stores lashed to them, It was soon realised that a special type of vessel was required, a cross between a tug and a barge, but with the atrocious conditions that can be met with in the North Sea these vessels would have to be very seaworthy. It was again soon realised that not all vessels would need to be as powerful as a tug.

