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full size printed plan scale to build a1:64 unusual tug heide moran suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale to build a1:64 unusual tug heide moran suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale to build a1:64 unusual tug heide moran suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale to build a1:64 unusual tug heide moran suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale to build a1:64 unusual tug heide moran suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale to build a1:64 unusual tug heide moran suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale to build a1:64 unusual tug heide moran suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale to build a1:64 unusual tug heide moran suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale to build a1:64 unusual tug heide moran suitable for radio control

Full Size Printed Plan Scale to build a1:64 unusual tug HEIDE MORAN Suitable for Radio Control

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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No material plans only


Full Size Printed Plan on a 32” x 28” Sheet

Seven Page Article of description

Note: for experience builders no building notes

Scale 1:64

Length 23”

Beam 6 3/6”

Power Electric or Small Steam

Suitable for Radio Control


Presents an unusual tug

This example, the Heide Moran, is the first such vessel of American design I have seen featured, and is somewhat different from the usual, although it can be noted that this design is somewhat akin to European types than hitherto previously seen in the USA; the characteristic upright appearance of the American tug, with little or no attempt to blend the different deck levels by enveloping with plating, and straight funnels has given way to the more familiar shapes seen on this side of the Atlantic.

This example is owned by the well known American towing company Moran Towing and Transportation Co, of New York, and was built by J. Ray McDermott & Co Inc, at their Morgan City, Louisiana yard. It is the first tug in a series of four placed with these builders, and joined the owner's fleet at the end of 1975.

They are designed specifically for Moran's expanding operations in tug/barge combination and ocean rescue long haul towing, and have a raised forecastle deck for­ward, a feature not seen on Moran tugs since the 194ft VAs and 143ft ATAs of the 1940s. At 126ft overall they are a handy size, although not as big as comparable tugs in Europe, but the horsepower of 4,730 BHP compares favourably.

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