Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes
No material plans only
Full Size printed plan on a sheet 40” x 18”
Two page article with building notes
Control line Combat
Wingspan 35 ½”
Engine .35
Little Raven
Control Line Combat
Wingspan 28 3/8”
Engine .15
By Ross Melhuish
I Canadian cousin tells us that it is easier and cheaper by the dozen; more so in Combat where the attrition rate is incredible. Full size templates makes job of producing foam wings easier.
Combat has progressed so much in the past few years, where can it go from here? With the speeds now obtained one has to be extremely good or damned lucky to keep enough‑aircraft available all season. With this in mind I have developed THE RAVEN into a good flying easily repaired model. Using a strong center with foam wing sections, it is a simple job to keep spare wings for easy repairs. With this ship I placed in all but one contest that I entered last year.
The construction is simple, and a brief summary of the plans shown here is all that is required.