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full size printed plans free flight beautiful twin-float seaplane the swoose
full size printed plans free flight beautiful twin-float seaplane the swoose
full size printed plans free flight beautiful twin-float seaplane the swoose
full size printed plans free flight beautiful twin-float seaplane the swoose
full size printed plans free flight beautiful twin-float seaplane the swoose

Full Size Printed plans Free Flight beautiful twin-float seaplane The Swoose

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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No material plans only

Reproduced Vintage Plan From 1944

The Swoose

This beautiful twin-float seaplane was designed to fly like a real airplane, not a skyrocket, and to make realistic landings and takeoffs

Full Size printed plan on a 46" x 24" Sheet

Tree page article with building notes and photos

Free Flight Some may wish to convert to radio control

Wingspan 31"

Engine to .19


Model builders who have successfully built and flown seaplane models will no doubt agree that the landlubber is passing up an experience worth much more than the price of admission. So if you care to experience something really different in model building and flying, get out your pins and razor blades—I promise you will be in for more than just wet feet with this model.

   THOSE of you who have built and flown control line models no doubt have at some time held such a model in a free flight launching attitude anticipating what would happen if you were to let it go. Well, if the model were properly trimmed about all 'three axes a spectacular flight should be expected; but, oh my aching back-the landing! Yes, just the thought is reason enough to harness that impulse unless it's an old model and you don't mind' bending down more than once to pick it up after the first landing. The free flight model presented here is similar to a control line model insofar as construction, weight' and performance are concerned; however, its landing characteristics are much different from what would be expected from a control line model in free flight. The exceptionally Clean lines, flat 'glide angle, and the fact that water landings eliminate the high impact and concentrated loads normally encountered with the high wing loaded wheel models, presents a model that introduces a different class of free flight job that may appeal to those interested in a fast flying smash proof ship. The author is not necessarily an exponent of
speed models 'but is more interested in the smash proof feature, aerodynamic cleanliness, simplified construction, and is really an enthusiast about wafer flying full scale or otherwise.

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