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full size printed plans peanut scale "ol'lronsldes " good model for the novice
full size printed plans peanut scale "ol'lronsldes " good model for the novice
full size printed plans peanut scale "ol'lronsldes " good model for the novice
full size printed plans peanut scale "ol'lronsldes " good model for the novice
full size printed plans peanut scale "ol'lronsldes " good model for the novice

Full size printed plans Peanut Scale "Ol'lronsldes " good model for the novice

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Full size printed plans No material


Ol'lronsldes makes a good model for the novice-no tiny pieces, no moulded canopy, all standard wood sizes. Be sure to use the lightest balsa available for the fuselage and wheel pants to minimize weight. 

Full size printed plan on a sheet 11” x 17”

Three page article with building notes and photos

Peanut Scale

Wingspan 13”

Power Rubber


Here's a little homebuilt that has all the right shapes to make a great Peanut Scale model. The Tailwind, Cougar and Lacey have, to some extent, dominated the Peanut Scale contests, so when a three-view of Ol' lronsides turned up, it looked like a natural to give these "Big Three" some competition. This model has the same general configuration as the aforementioned trio, with what appear to be some possible advantages over them. First, Ol' lronsides is a single-place airplane and thus has a
narrower (lower drag) fuselage. Second, the original airplane has a plywood structure, and is absolutely slab-sided. Third, it has simple, straight-edged surfaces. The model has a sheet balsa fuselage structure and built-up, tissue-covered wings and
tail surfaces. After extensive flying tests, the size of the vertical tail was increased to that shown on the plans. The model will fly very well outside with the scale vertical, but would not turn in a
small enough circle to fly indoors. With the larger tail, it will circle safely inside the width of a basketball

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