Full size printed plans No material
This popular WWI English fighter was known for its stability and makes an ideal rubber-powered bipe.
Printed plan on a 11” x 17” sheet
Six Pages of notes and photos
Peanut Scale
Wingspan 13”
Power Rubber
Edward F. Fort
THE S.E. 5a is often modeled in rubber-powered free-flight scale and for good reason. With its low aspect ratio it provides lots of wing area for a given span, its nose is reasonably long and its straight lines simplify construction. In Peanut Scale, where span is limited to 13 in., an S.E. 5a turns out to be a relatively large model in which all of its advantages can be put to good use.
Fuselage: Construction is slightly different from conventional practices but is not difficult. Primary areas of difference are in the placement of the uprights and the use of three longerons for the basic fuselage sides. Forward of the cockpit the uprights are inset from the longerons while in the after section they are flush. As shown in the top view, upper cross pieces are sheet formers—lower ones are 1/16 sq. strips.
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