Full size Printed Plans & Article
Not a KIT or MODEL No Material
Reproduced Vintage Plan
"Mentor" T-34A
For Control Line Flyers
Full size printed plans on two 44” x 28” sheets
Five page article with building notes, material list and photos
Scale 1 ½” – 1 foot
Wingspan 49 inches
Engine .45 to .60
Designed by Waiter A. Musciano
This rugged trainer is 'very easy to fly while maintaining its manoeuvrability Furthermore it has that big plane "feeling" which is important in trainers, making the "Mentor" ideally suited for it task.
The plans illustrate a "man size" control line beauty suitable for any engine glow plug, or ignition, from .45 to .61 cubic inch displacement. The scale 1-1/2 inches to the foot gives this model a 'wingspan of 49 inches and a projected wing area of almost 400 square inches. A model of this size is ideal for a super scale project so plans- and photographs include hard to obtain cockpit details. Navigation and landing lights as well as an illuminated instrument panel are easily installed in this spacious model.
.This clean looking military trainer was one of the most successful in aviation history. Developed from the extremely popular record breaking "Bonanza" commercial design the "Mentor" was selected as the standard trainer for the United States Air Force. A close copy was procured by the United States Navy and designated T-34B. Orders for this popular craft came in from Chile, Columbia and El Salvador while arrangements were made to manufacture the plane, under license, in Canada and Japan.
The T -34A was selected as the standard trainer of the U. S. after a ten year debate regarding the characteristics required for a trainer in this "jet age." Primary, Basic, Advanced, and Aerobatic training as well as Cross Country Navigation and Instrument Flight instruction could be accomplished with the "Mentor." It was also used for Tactical Training when equipped with machine guns and rockets or bombs.